Thiago Centurion3 Ways to Optimize Performance in SwiftUI AppsSwiftUI has revolutionized iOS development with its declarative syntax and powerful features. However, as your app grows in complexity…Sep 7, 20248Sep 7, 20248
Sarathi KannanPower of View Modifier in SwiftUIView Modifiers play an important role in SwiftUI, serving as the primary means to modify view instances. Utilizing View Modifiers allows us…Jan 3, 20242Jan 3, 20242
InStackademicbyThomas RicouardRemoving the M from MVVM with SwiftUII get this question so often that I finally want to write about it. It won’t be a long post on iOS app architecture, and it won’t even be…Apr 8, 202418Apr 8, 202418
InTowards DevbyItsukiSwiftUI: Symbol AnimationYou might think animations are just a little bonus to a good App. I means, yes and no! Obviously, you need to have an App that does not…May 18, 2024May 18, 2024
InDev GeniusbyMaximiliano ContieriCode Smell 62 — Flag VariablesFlags indicate what happened. Unless their name is too generic.Feb 8, 20211Feb 8, 20211
InThe Airbnb Tech BlogbyBryn BodayleUnlocking SwiftUI at AirbnbHow Airbnb adopted SwiftUI in our iOS appSep 21, 202334Sep 21, 202334
InDev GeniusbyComputer Science DiariesMastering SwiftUI’s Data Flow: A Comprehensive Guide to @State, @Binding, and @EnvironmentObjectWelcome to this comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering SwiftUI’s data flow, specifically focusing on the key concepts of…Apr 22, 2023Apr 22, 2023
LiyickyHow to make a flashcard app with Swift UIIn this tutorial you will make Animalization, a flashcard app for memorizing the names of animals. After building this app, you will know…Mar 14, 20231Mar 14, 20231
InDevTechiebyDevTechieWidgets in SwiftUI 4 & iOS 16 — Part 17Apple introduced Live Activity with the launch of new framework called ActivityKit. We will be using Xcode version 14.1Feb 4, 20231Feb 4, 20231
InMobile App Circularbyfatbobman ( 东坡肘子)How to Avoid Repeating SwiftUI View UpdatesThis document will guide you in optimizing view calculations in SwiftUI. The methods include optimizing construction parameters, breaking…Apr 13, 20234Apr 13, 20234
InMobile App CircularbyMobile@ExxetaHow to create a hero animation in SwiftUI?Using matchedGeometryEffect to impress at first glanceFeb 27, 20237Feb 27, 20237
Mohammad AzamBuilding Large-Scale Apps with SwiftUI: A Guide to Modular ArchitectureUpdated article is available at 1, 20231Mar 1, 20231
InCanopasbyJignesh SanghaniSwiftUI — Exploring NavigationStack and Making it UsefulI know, we all were helpless with NavigationView and are ready to wish it goodbye.Sep 6, 20227Sep 6, 20227
InBetter ProgrammingbyMichael LongSwiftUI Binding ExtensionsMaking binding in SwiftUI views and previews as easy as ABCNov 19, 20223Nov 19, 20223
Tianna LewisA Simple Approach to Saving Color in CoreData with SwiftUISometimes being novel just isn’t worth it. Here is a simple way to save Color into Core Data that anyone can understand.Sep 21, 20211Sep 21, 20211