InPinterest Engineering BlogbyPinterest EngineeringA one year PWA retrospectiveZack Argyle | Engineering manager, Core ExperienceJul 20, 201810.9K27Jul 20, 201810.9K27
iamsandytwixBest Navigation for SwiftUILet’s skip over the well-known navigation issues in SwiftUI before iOS 16 since there are plenty of great articles on that already. With…Oct 29, 20242267Oct 29, 20242267
Yash8 Swift Performance Tips I Learned After Years of ProgrammingHey Everyone!! I wanted to share these Swift Performance tips, that i feel that everyone should be aware of, since it took a lot of effort…Dec 5, 202419610Dec 5, 202419610
InLevel Up CodingbyRaúl FerrerDesign Patterns in Swift 6: Mastering Singleton Alternatives with Practical InsightsSwift 6 offers better alternatives to the Singleton pattern for cleaner, more modular codeDec 23, 202412413Dec 23, 202412413
InStackademicbyThomas RicouardTop 5 AI Tools for iOS DevelopersTo improve your workflow speed & efficiencyNov 8, 20244819Nov 8, 20244819
Andrés Cecilia LuqueStatic VS dynamic frameworks in Swift: an in-depth analysisThere has been quiet some discussion lately in the Swift community about the benefits of using static instead of dynamic frameworks (see 1…May 26, 20192904May 26, 20192904
Alexandros SmponiasImprove your Xcode (Swift) Compile TimeNobody likes slow Xcode compile time. It’s so annoying! But there are ways to fix it 😏Sep 7, 20191.7K4Sep 7, 20191.7K4
InDev GeniusbyMaximiliano ContieriCode Smell 62 — Flag VariablesFlags indicate what happened. Unless their name is too generic.Feb 8, 2021191Feb 8, 2021191 Tech BlogbyJimmy HarijantoGracefully handle retry requests using AlamofireWe tried implement the Semaphore, Barrier Block, and any other GrandCentralDispatch mechanism but still no luck to the issues. Until weNov 20, 20201213Nov 20, 20201213
Bruno LorenzoChanging your iOS App Icon programmaticallyImproving user experience will always help to retain users.Dec 26, 20231601Dec 26, 20231601
Bruno Lorenzo10 quick tips to increase your iOS code qualityPractical Strategies for Elevating Your iOS Code QualityJun 26, 20235198Jun 26, 20235198
Bruno Lorenzo10 tips to increase your iOS code quality (pt. 2)Boost your Swift programming expertise and optimize your iOS app codeOct 31, 20235624Oct 31, 20235624
Ramdhas.task() vs .onAppear()In SwiftUI, .task() and .onAppear() are both view modifiers used to perform actions when a view appears on the screen, but ….Sep 22, 20236124Sep 22, 20236124
Moin ul HassanRead variables from .env file to .xcconfig files for different schemes in XcodeAs iOS developers, most of us are aware of the configuration files(.xcconfig) that Xcode provide us. We use these files for multiple…Apr 1, 20211234Apr 1, 20211234
InDev GeniusbyComputer Science DiariesMastering SwiftUI’s Data Flow: A Comprehensive Guide to @State, @Binding, and @EnvironmentObjectWelcome to this comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering SwiftUI’s data flow, specifically focusing on the key concepts of…Apr 22, 202337Apr 22, 202337
InWoloxbyJuan F. CaraccioloIOS Deep linking: URL Scheme vs Universal LinksEverything is connected nowadays. In a world where we share links as often as we do today, your app cannot be out of the loop. Deep linking…Jul 13, 20183.5K18Jul 13, 20183.5K18
Diego CastroRead this before learning Server Side Swift. — By .fatalError()Broadly speaking, along the path of every IOS developer comes the time to decide if they want to focus on FrontEnd or BackEnd developmentApr 5, 202232Apr 5, 202232
InDevTechiebyDevTechieWidgets in SwiftUI 4 & iOS 16 — Part 17Apple introduced Live Activity with the launch of new framework called ActivityKit. We will be using Xcode version 14.1Feb 4, 2023161Feb 4, 2023161
InMobile App Circularbyfatbobman ( 东坡肘子)How to Avoid Repeating SwiftUI View UpdatesThis document will guide you in optimizing view calculations in SwiftUI. The methods include optimizing construction parameters, breaking…Apr 13, 20233014Apr 13, 20233014